Three Things You Must Do If You Want to Make a Million Dollars From Your Internet Business
Catch A Gideon
by: Aaron S Krall
Stop. You might think you know a thing or two about sales. Well, keep reading, cause your going to find that maybe you didn't really know as much as you think you did! Whether you already have your own business or tinkering with the idea that maybe, someday, you could gather the guts to quit your job and start making a KILLING selling on the internet, these three tips will help you either boost your sales, and give you some fresh new idea to think about, or give you the umph that you need to get out there and fulfill your dreams!
1. Don't Get Emotionally Involved
One big mistake that most new business owners make when they start is making the mistake of getting emotionally involved with their product. They have just what there customers need and they know they can sell it. They fall in love with it. It becomes there little baby. When someone says, "Hey that's a dumb little doohickey, that will never sell!" or "Golly Bill, I think you should change this here and make this a little better", they FLIP OUT. DONT FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR PRODUCT!! Your should probably hate it by the time your done with it. You'll never want to see it again after you've made a couple thousand of it. Let it go. Move on to the next thing. If you want to make money, sell what others want, not what you think they want.
2. Are They Hungry?
Someone once asked, "If you owned a restuarant and could have any advantage over your competitor, what would it be? Would it be 10 biliion dollars in advertising? Would it be a McDonalds franchise? Burger King? Would you have a secret sauce? Dancing Clowns? What would it be?" Good question, wouldn't you agree? These answers all sound pretty reasonable, but there is better answer. Do you know what he said? "A hungry crowd." Think about it. Your at the amusement park. You just paid 60 bucks a pop to see a 40 year old man dressed up like Mickey Mouse, and your starving. How much for a hotdog? $10. Is it the best hot dog you've ever had? Nope. But your hungry and they are the only ones selling food. You can sell anything as long as you sell to customers that are hungry. remember that and you will never fail in your new business.
3. Sell What They Want, Not What They Need
I remember a "Calvin and Hobbes" one time where Calvin had set up a little booth with a sign that said, "Kick In the Pants: $5.00". Hobbes walks by and asks, "How's business Calvin?" He responds, "Horrible! I have what everybody needs, but I have't sold any!" True, isn't it? (No, not that everyone needs a kick in the pants, although I can think of a few that need one), but that people only buy what they want! I can think of numerous examples of very smart people, who have created some amazing products or services that are just great, but becuase nodoby wanted it, they failed miserably. When you come up with a product, make sure it's what people want. How can you know something like that? Do your research. Find out what people are buying and sell them something simliar. I suggest the overture search tool, or google adwords. Peoples wants change often, so stay on top of your game! Of course it has got to be something unique, and quality. But, if you have something that they want, and it's an irresistible offer, they will buy.
So there you have it you information marketer entrpenuer you. Three tips that will help you clear your mind, think of new products, and keep you on the edge of your competition.
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About The Author
Aaron Krall is an entrepenuer and information marketing guru. Aaron has studied numerous books, tapes and seminars from other marketing gurus such as Dan Kennedy, Ron LeGrand, Bob Allen and numerous others. He is in the process of quitting his current job as a salesman for Cingular Wireless, becuase of his unconquearable desire to make money on the internet and help others do the same. "Starting a business can be overwhelming" he says, "but if you know how to do it, you can get a business started in under a day." He suggests this website if you are serious about setting up an automated website that can generate a huge cash flow with residual income: