Why a stock moves higher

Interestingly the types of answers you get would vary widely, from a great news release to more buying than selling. Although there are those who will debate the issue, for the most part a stock moves higher when buying volume exceeds selling volume. The old law of supply and demand comes into play. Basically, if you own a stock and don't really want to sell it, what would get it out of your hands? A higher selling price, right? Right. So, if we exclude market maker games and dirty tricks, the bottom line is that a stock will gain in price when more people want the stock, than want to sell it.

But you will find the "overall market tone" is a much more accurate measure of whether a stock will go up or down on any particular day. For instance, take a look at a stock with a really great chart. Starting from the bottom left side of the chart, the stock moves up and to the right corner at a 45 degree angle right? Right, but it isn't a perfectly straight line is it? No, along the way, daily pull backs, stall outs, and one day dips are seen all over the place. So, here we have a stock that for lack of a better term is "in demand", and yet there were definitely days when profit taking hit, volume sagged, or it simply dipped on the day.

So, what is the point, you may be wondering? My point is this, "overall market tone" (feeling positive or negative) and individual sector strength is what will determine daily movements even though the overall movement for the long term is to the upside. With that thinking in mind try this one on and see how it fits: The ACME company is making money, it's growing earnings and they have made good statements about the future. A couple analysts have upgraded it and it looks good for a nice steady move higher. Well, chances are that indeed the stock is going to move higher and over the course of a number of months, it could even double its share price. But what will happen to that stock tomorrow if we wake up and the futures are down 85 points and when the opening bell rings, the market is in the toilet? We suggest ACME is going to take a hit for the day! Likewise if ACME is a "chip company" and the chip sector is down on news that DRAM prices have sagged, it probably doesn't matter that the entire market is in rally mode, ACME will probably be falling with its brothers in the chip sector.

So, when you are looking at a stock with an impressive chart and you want to get some of that stock, chances are a poor market day, or an "out of favor" sector day will give you the chance to pick up that stock a few dollars cheaper. The whole reason we are mentioning this is because "sector rotation" happens in a matter of days now. Years ago if the computer sector was in the dumps, it would be there for 3 months. Now, HWP, DELL, CPQ, can be out of favor one day and upgraded the next. That goes for chips, networkers, Internets, etc. Same with the overall market. So, buying into it on the poor market days and/or poor sector days is generally a good bet.

One of the hardest things to do is to buy a stock just minutes before the closing bell, after it has fallen a gazillion points on the day. In your mind you are thinking, "wow, this thing lost 15 points today, it may lose 15 more tomorrow", and you "could" be right. But if the stock has been moving up nicely and it dropped 15 points because the NASDAQ dropped 150 on the day, was it your stock's fault or the overall market's fault? Right, it was probably down simply because the market was down. Buying it at that depressed price was probably a good idea. When isn't it a good idea? If during a big one day fall like that the stock falls through some key support levels, or it released some type of horrible news. Either of those instances could see it fall a bunch more.

Yes, supply and demand causes individual stocks to move higher or lower in the long haul. But daily events are dominated by overall sector and market health. Remember this and it will help you enter trades at a much nicer price!

About The Author
Larry Potter is a recognized authority on the subject of trading. For a FREE report on HOW TO TRADE FAST and a 2-week trial to Stocks2Watch®, visit: http://clik.to/stocks2watch

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Motivate Your Team for Outstanding Customer Service: Six Secrets of Customer Service Motivation

by: Ed Sykes

Providing outstanding customer service is one of the most rewarding yet challenging activities within your organization. Exceptional organizations that provide outstanding customer service will experience the following benefits:

* Increased customer satisfaction
* Increased revenues
* Increased repeat and referral customer traffic
* Less employee turnover
* Increased profits

So how do we support and motivate our customer service team to give outstanding customer service? The following are six secrets to motivate your customer service team to give exceptional customer service to your customers:

1. Provide Ongoing Learning – It’s important that you not only provide training on organizational policies and technology, but also how to handle customers. Create an ongoing system for training and feedback. Request continuous feedback and have the “courage to listen” to your customer service team’s responses. Your customer service team members, because they are on the frontline, can provide you with excellent information on how to service your customer. Market conditions are changing all the time and the one piece of information your customer service team can share with you can make the difference between success and failure. After receiving the information from your customer service rep, if necessary, provide the training to your customer service team so that they can provide outstanding customer service.

2. Adjust the Attitude – Constantly work on your own attitude and your team’s attitude to providing outstanding customer service. As a customer service leader, always be aware of the tone you set and how your customer service team will be motivated by your attitude. If you are upbeat, your team will follow the lead and provide outstanding customer service. If you have a negative attitude, your customer service team will follow your lead and communicate this negative attitude to the customers they serve.

Work with your customer service team members to create a positive attitude in the following ways:

* Look at every customer service experience as a learning experience that is preparing them for future opportunities.

* Put your team in the customer’s shoes to understand the customer’s “pain” and create empathy for outstanding customer service solutions

* Have your customer service team take on the persona of a positive individual they admire to help them through a difficult customer service situation.

* Create “positive triggers” to remind your customer service team why it is important to give outstanding service. Your trigger could be as simple as a family picture or a picture of an item (new car, home, etc.) that is important to you.

3. Give Incentives – Motivate your customer service team by giving incentives based on meeting your organization’s mission, goals, and values. Be timely, fair, and public with your incentives. Also, when putting together an incentive program, ask your customer service team what they would like as incentives. Many times organizations will invest thousands of dollars on incentives which are not the ones their customer service team wants. Just ask!

4. Show Appreciation – Appreciate to motivate your customer service team as much as possible. Remember, many times they are facing very challenging customer service situations everyday. Keep them motivated by sharing your appreciation in a timely, sincere, fair, and encouraging way. For more detail on this, go to my article, Appreciate to Motivate, on my website. By consistently showing appreciation, you will motivate your customer service team to excel when it is most difficult for them to do so.

5. Support Outstanding Customer Service – Support and motivate your customer service team in a number of ways. You can support and motivate your customer service team by making sure the technology supports them and the customers. For example, I recently called my internet broadband company about a mistake on a bill. The automated system disconnected my call five times before I finally spoke with a customer service representative; and I told him that he must experience many upset customers if they experience the same. The customer service representative agreed and said it made his job very difficult.

Support your customer service team by “cheer leading” their concerns to upper management. Champion their concerns to upper management and let your customer service team know the progress of each concern.

Support and motivate your customer service team by keeping standards high for customer service. When your organization is facing challenging times, it is very tempting to lower standards. That’s the last action you should take. By lowering standards, you decrease customer satisfaction, increase customer service turnover, and muddy your organization’s name in the marketplace.

Apply these customer service motivation secrets with your customer service team and you will have highly motivated customer service teams and happy customers, and your organization’s bottom line will increase.

About The Author
Ed Sykes is a highly sought after expert, author, professional speaker, and success coach in the areas of leadership, motivation, stress management, customer service, and team building. You can e-mail him at mailto:esykes@thesykesgrp.com, or call him at (757) 427-7032. Go to his web site, http://www.thesykesgrp.com , and signup for the newsletter, OnPoint, and receive either free ebook, "Empowerment and Stress Secrets for the Busy Professional," or "Secrets of Outstanding Customer Service."

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Reverse Mortgages and the Softening Housing Market

by: Byron Warnken

This article talks about reverse mortgages in the context of the softening real estate market.

One question we have been asked is: What happens to reverse mortgages as the United States housing market weakens. It is a good question.

There is no question the United States housing market is softening. Although prices may not yet be going down, and some markets remain relatively strong, as a whole the robust gains in real estate value across the country is over. Maybe not forever, but certainly for now.

Recently, new housing starts were down 20% and the number of houses being sold has slowed year over year. Houses are sitting on the market longer and long gone are the days where sellers get 25% over their asking price within days.

So what does the softening market mean for the reverse mortgage?

A reverse mortgage is a loan that is not paid back until death or permanent move. Moreover, the borrower can never owe more than the value of their house. Therefore, reverse mortgage lenders must be careful with how much money they lend. The amount of money they lend is based on a number of factors. They are: borrower age, location of property and importantly, the value of the property.

The first two factors determine a percentage of the property value. So a reverse mortgage is based on the value of the property. The property value is determined by an appraisal. As the real estate market weakens, appraisals are not as high for a given property. This means that the reverse mortgage borrower receives less money.

Over time, real estate values have gone up and have gone up relatively consistently. Does this mean that real estate will always go up? No. Does it guarantee home prices will be higher five or ten years from now? No. Anyone who says, “Real estate prices may not go up as fast, but they will never go down,” is flat out wrong. While we at the http://reversemortgagepage.com do not predict real estate prices, history does not bear out that values will always increase, even in a given period of time.

Does this mean that you should rush out and get a reverse mortgage before the value of your home goes down. No. It just means that you shouldn’t assume that your home will be worth more five years from now. A reverse mortgage should be obtained when the time is optimal for your financial situation. When that time is depends on many factors. For advice on timing, turn to the Reverse Mortgage Page.

About The Author
Byron Warnken is an expert on reverse mortgages and his company owns and operates a leading website that can help you learn about Reverse Mortgages.

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Five Myths That Effect The Decision To Just Do It!

by: Judy Winslow

Whether you own a business or are responsible for generating interest in someone else’s, the topic will arise. What will I get for hiring Branding professionals? Just because big businesses have whole departments dedicated to such an endeavor, many still believe that it may not be what they need. After all, there are lots of reasons not to buy into this concept. Many of those I interact with state the following as the top five myths/objections:

MYTH #5. These people don’t know what I need

Of course, your business is unique. There are benefits to doing business with you that no one else possesses. Having a specialist will allow you to identify clearly the unique attributes your business has for the consumer and package them in a way that will attract business. That will leave you free to run and grow your business.

MYTH #4. What about the investment vs. the impact?

What amount have you deemed as a budget for this aspect of your business development? In a way, branding is something like the stock market. Only you & your professional can determine what level of risk you’re comfortable with and how to configure your investment. Will every item payoff? Perhaps, perhaps not. However, there are ways to get the most for your money, and a specialist can assist. I’m willing to bet you don’t know all the opportunities available to you, so by teaming with a professional your chances for success are greatly enhanced.

MYTH #3. They don’t understand my business.

Isn’t that great?! You now have the opportunity to share your knowledge and passion for your business with someone who can interpret that information in a way that’s easy for the average bear to digest. Voila! Now a professional can position your business in a way that an outsider can embrace, while speaking your vision unencumbered by other perspectives. That’s one heck of a great benefit!

MYTH #2. These people don’t listen to me.

Having a connection with your Professionals is essential. You wouldn’t want to visit a doctor who keeps prescribing medicine for an illness you don’t have…so if you aren’t feeling ‘heard’, you may be working with the wrong people for you. Try something else. Fast!

And the number 1 myth:

MYTH #1. I can do it myself.

Yes, you know your business better than anyone. That said, you really can’t do it yourself and also grow a healthy business that realizes your vision and provides the life you deserve. Furthermore, why would you want to? Go play more golf or be with your kids. Just like a doctor, lawyer or personal trainer, your Branding Professionals provide an invaluable service that is key to your success. Just be sure to evaluate their efforts as you would any other part of your strategy for success.

So, I ask you - If branding and marketing isn’t all that big a deal, why do Nike, Coke, Proctor & Gamble, Starbucks and countless others put so much energy and funding into their programs? Keeping your brand highly visible does affect growth and profits. Have fun & create a Brand!

About The Author
With a strong focus on Branding, award winning graphic abilities, plus a marketing and business development background in both the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, Judy Winslow offers her clients a unique perspective. She is committed to assisting people worldwide in their personal and professional growth. Her result oriented processes have enabled companies of all sizes to grow and her diverse clientele ranges from Fortune 500 companies to start-ups seeking specialized branding and innovative communications strategies. All of her work is customized to fit the needs and vision of her clients to ensure their sound success. Contact her at http://BrightPointeInfo.com or judywins@mac.com.

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Business Success is Influence!

by: Rosemary Hossenlopp

Do you feel frustrated when sales prospects don’t return your calls? Does your anxiety about paying your bills give off a I’m frantic to get a sale look?

When you are successful business owner you have a platform to position your product or service with more people. Doors then open to client opportunities. You sell more when your platform is working for you. You can raise your rates and finally have money to go on vacation.

How do you get a platform?

Business success is influence. Influence gives you a voice in your industry. Influence gives you customers that listen. Warning: Influence is not a one-minute sales tip. The proven first step to more influence is to understand how you serve your customer. This requires tough introspection. You need to be serious about serving your customer. Many guru’s call this your unique selling proposition. Many professors call this a point of view. But they don’t tell you that you need to first serve your customer with passion and purpose. If you serve your customers first, you will have success. Profits will follow excellent customer service!

Proven Advice for Understanding your Business Purpose

Increase Your Business Platform Tip One. Understand your primary purpose for serving your client. You could serve clients by increasing their profitability when you are a business selling to another business (B2B). This allows the clients CEO to tame a nasty board of directors. To make this clear to your customers, clearly state the business purpose in your statement of work, in your presentation of information and your action plan. Have a single minded focus on your purpose; to increase their revenue! You could also sell your services to other businesses to decrease their operating costs. This allows them to crush their competition. Your key business purpose for the engagement is a gigantic personal benefit to these key decision makers. They will invite you back again for another engagement if you make them look good.

Easy Ways to Increase your Business Passion

Increase Your Business Platform Tip Two. Understand your key reason you wake up in the morning to serve your customer. Document your key passion. This could become your mission statement. It is a statement of who you are that will attract clients to you. For example, you could enhance customer’s lives in some measurable and tangible way when you are a business selling to customers (B2C).Write down three specific ways that your customers feel as a result of an interaction with your product or service. You may provide information that transforms their thinking which has a benefit of less stress. You may cause them to be more physically vibrant causing them to live life more alive. You can bring them more financial prosperity that increases their confidence about facing their future. These benefits rock! Write your reason down today.

When you don’t understand how to build of platform of business success and influence……. you are missing out. You make your customers miss out. On what? You! Your product or service benefits them and if you do not have a platform for success, you can not enrich the lives of those you serve.

Write down how you serve your customer with passion. Drive all your business activities to this sole purpose. This guarantees that you will have a platform to position your product or service with more people.

Rosemary Hossenlopp © 2006 All Rights Reserved

About The Author
Rosemary Hossenlopp, MBA provides proven business advice to Small Business Owners. If you are ready to start accelerating your business, then we have free tips here. Go here right now. http://www.BusinessSuccessPlan.com.

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How to Get Better Leads with Your Business Cards

by: Robb Beltran

You may have a million dollars to spend on buying and rehabbing houses, but if nobody knows who you are or where you work or what you do it's all for nothing. A business card is your mini-billboard; remember that.

The easiest and cheapest way to generate leads are business cards. It's amazing how many so-called investors and realtors have told me they don't have one. After years of hitting the pavement and spending money on expensive marketing tools and campaigns here are a few cheap marketing ideas that continually keep the phone and Internet mailbox busy. You may laugh at some, but if they work for you, you can laugh yourself to the bank. I know I do.

It all begins with your business card.

Get some cards now! You need two kinds of cards. One of the cards will be for face to face meetings with clients, bankers attorneys etc...the other will be printed up for the sole purpose of mass distribution. Make sure you use both sides for both card examples. Once someone drops your card and it ends up face down it does you absolutely no good. Give someone a reason to pick it up.

The front should include your logo, company name, web address, phone number and fax. The back should include what you do, how you do it and why they should call you. Example: "We buy Houses Cash! We will have a cash offer in front of you in 48 hours or less. Stop foreclosure, save your credit." Make sure to include your phone number and web address again.

Face to face cards will be used for meetings with clients, bankers attorneys etc... These cards should be professionally made and brightly colored. Make sure to include your logo, company name, web address, phone number and fax.

The mass distribution one can be professionally made as well, but I can print 20 cards a page with my laser printer and run 100 out in a matter of minutes that will get the same message across. Try to keep the colors the same and most of the entire message. These cards you will literally drop or place everywhere.

The number one location to leave your card and where I literally receive the most calls from is the men’s room at the courthouse. Laugh out loud, but every time you are there doing research or appearing at eviction court you should leave one on every urinal and inside every stall and bench. Think about who goes to court. Motivated sellers going through, probate, divorce, bankruptcy, landlords getting beat up in eviction court and so on. You may laugh, but it gets results.

The rest of these locations and tips should be obvious, but if they're not, get to it because you are missing an opportunity.

Before you hit it though make sure to get yourself some tacks. Sometimes there are areas that don't have any then you may be out of luck. Ready?

Restaurants- Every time you eat out leave one at the table with your tip. Leave one in the fish bowl for a free meal and one at the cashier’s podium. Remember you're printing these for almost nothing and you never know who will pick it up. At fast food restaurants leave one above the trash bin inside or at the soft drink station.

Banks- Leave a card in the waiting area and the counter where you balance your checkbook.

Post Office- Leave a card on the counter where you fill out all the post office forms.

Offices: Lawyers, Doctors, dentists etc... Leave a card in the waiting area by the magazines. Give them something to want to read.

Bulletin Boards- Hit every gas and sip, grocery store and laundry mat in your town that has a bulletin board. Make it a weekly thing to check if it or they are still up.

If you want to buy houses for profit you have to buy from motivated sellers. The only way to capitalize on this is by having motivated sellers calling you more often than you are calling them. Less work for more profit equals more marketing.

About The Author
Robb Beltran is an active real estate investor and publisher of the Real Estate Info Network. The Real Estate Info Network promotes real estate education through real estate seminars, e-books and real estate investing courses.


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Catch a Gideon Launched

Catch a Gideon is up on it's new domain! Check it out at www.catchAGideon.com.

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The Key to Wealth: Don’t Work Alone

by: Matt Bacak

What is happening in the business world today? Will the job you have now always be available or are you at risk of being laid off at any time? The world today has seen many corporate mergers and fallouts. Relying on a company pension or retirement fund has become a thing of the past. Company layoffs and downsizing has become commonplace. The only thing you can truly count on now is yourself.

The corporate world was different in the past. Employees would work for the same company their entire life. A retirement fund would be available when they retired. You found a job and you were set for life. This is no longer the case. The corporate world has intense control over your life. They can lay you off at any time. They make your decisions for you.

With the proper knowledge and tools, you can step out of the corporate world and control your own life. You can become a millionaire. Does this seem impossible? Well, it’s not. Take the statistic that 2,740 new millionaires are created each day! These millionaires built their own wealth and didn’t find it in the corporate world. Did you know that the number of Lottery millionaires + number of Lawsuit millionaires + Entertainment millionaires + Sports millionaires = less than 1% of all millionaires? Surprising, isn’t it?

In addition, 80% of millionaires have little or no education. These millionaires understand how to structure their business to create wealth. They didn’t learn this information in the standard school system. They learned it from mentors, coaches, and successful millionaires.

Anyone can become part of this millionaires club if you know what to do. It is vital to understand that to create wealth you must not work alone. Two heads are better then one. Following are three reasons why you shouldn’t attempt to build wealth on your own.

Don’t Work Alone Reason #1: Direction

You need guidance otherwise you will waste both time and money. Think about it. You might work for a year using a system that you think will be successful. When in fact the system you are using is obsolete, inefficient, and won’t yield you profits. Therefore, you need to find a mentor or coach to guide you through the process.

Don’t Work Alone Reason #2: Support and Friendships

Working with others to build wealth pushes you higher. You will definitely encounter people who tell you that building wealth is impossible and you can’t do it. You need the support and friendships of like minded people to overcome these negative opinions. Remember, it’s your duty and right to make building wealth your passion.

Don’t Work Alone Reason #3: Come together with brain power.

Working with others can give you new ideas. For example, you can find someone with a different business or service and combine your complementary services together. Also working with people who are more successful then you are can drive and motivate you to accomplish more.

So what are you waiting for? Act now and find a mentor or coach to help you succeed.

About The Author
Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours. Recent Entrepreneur Magazine's e-Biz radio show host is turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into Overnight Success Stories. Discover The Secrets To Unleash The Powerful Promoter In You! Sign up for Matt Bacak's Promoting Tips Ezine ($100 value) just visit his website at http://www.promotingtips.com or http://www.powerfulpromoter.com.

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Your Business May Benefit From A Point of Sale System

by: Morgan Hamilton

Probably the most energetic and enterprising individuals live in the United States. So many Americans nowadays invest their savings with the hope that they will start a lucrative small business. They do it with hope and passion, powerfully attracted by the world of small business. Statistics show that in 2004 in the USA there were 24.7 million small businesses. What is more important is that for the last ten years, small businesses have supplied around 60-80 percent of the new jobs in the country. Before you decide to start a retail business, rent a space, or buy inventory, you should develop a business plan. For this purpose, you may have to spend some time researching on the advantages of a point of sale system.

You will find out that on the market there are different versions of a point of sale system. However, probably the most approachable and easy point of sale system is the one that Microsoft offers. This point of sale system is based on the Windows framework. That is what makes this point of sale system approachable as most of us have grown up using Windows.

POS system is the abbreviation, which is usually used to refer to a retail point of sale system. A point of sale system helps small business, as well as large businesses, to rationalize their daily activities. A point of sale system can make even a large project easier to realize. A point of sale system will allow you to manage large databases in order to make your business more profitable. Some years ago, retailers used 10-digit registers, plug-in calculators, and carbon copy credit card receipts. This time is gone. Now, it is the age of point of sale system.

The contemporary point of sale system makes no difference with the regular personal computer. Point of sale system has every function that a desktop computer has and more. With a point of sale system, a businessperson will be able to ring up transactions, make payments, and manage inventory and print reports. Sales can be sorted and showed by day, by product, by cashier and by the hour. You can easily print labels for shelves, and price tags for products. Databases can be sorted like clients’ databases, department databases, item databases, and supplier databases. Even purchases can be tracked.

The point of sale system can be networked so that everyone will be able to share ideas, send messages and so on. In addition, if you wish receipts, labels and calendars can be designed. When you need them, summary sales reports, detailed sales reports and regional sales reports can be printed. Contemporary retail business is almost impossible without a retail point of sale system. It is hard for me even to imagine what business was when point of sale system does not exist.

Any operation nowadays will be very difficult to perform without a point of sale system. A point of sale system will save you all the paper work you are obliged to do. No matter if you are managing one store, ten stores, or one hundred you cannot miss to take a point of sale system.

About The Author
Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning sales. Get more information by visiting http://www.salesandcommerce.com/sales/sales--commerce/your-business-may-benefit-from-a-point-of-sale-system.html.

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What Makes You An Expert Anyway?

by: Kristie Tamsevicius

A few months ago, my husband wanted to learn more about using real estate to build our wealth. So, he hopped on our computer, visited web sites, looked at discussion boards, and scanned newsletters to see who the real experts were. After asking around and doing some research, he was impressed with William Bronchick and John T. Reed's for their advice and strategies. On the other hand, while there is a lot of hype about Robert Kiyosaki, when it came right down to it, people said his information was mostly inspirational and lacked practical strategies. So after getting a better sense of who the real experts were, he was off to get some books and start building our family fortune.

Have you bought any good books lately? If so, what inspired you to buy the book? Chances are that you didn't just browse around in a bookstore and buy a book on the spot. I'll bet that there were a lot of exposures that went into you deciding to make that purchase. You may have read about the book in a newsletter. Perhaps you saw the author on a television show. Much of our decision purchases come down to one decision: does the author have real credibility?

The same is when speaker's bureaus and corporations want to hire speakers. Let's face it, meeting planners want to look good.

Budgets are tight. They want an expert who delivers measurable results.

No one will risk hiring you unless you have a proven reputation and the credentials to back it up.

This puts authors and speakers in a defensive position. With so many consultants, authors, and speakers claiming to be gurus, how can you prove that you are the expert you say you are?

Here are three ways to you showcase your expertise and be irresistible.

=> METRICS: Personal brand metrics provide a yardstick from which prospects can measure your experience and expertise. Examples of metrics include the number of years of experience you have, number of interviews done, number of books sold, and other items. These numbers add instant credibility to your bio, media platform and other marketing materials.

=> ROI: A listing of results achieved for clients shows that what you preach brings measurable results for real people. You can feature work with one of your clients in a case study with before and after results. By showing that you have made a $10,000 difference to their bottom line, helped them realize a 25% increase in sales, or tripled their web site traffic, anyone can see that you deliver proven results.

=> TESTIMONIALS. While people may doubt when we toot our own horn, they will readily believe a heartfelt recommendation. Collect and showcase testimonials from customers you have worked with, people who have read your book, and audience members who have seen you speak.

Letters from radio show hosts will position you as a good guest in the eyes of producers. Glowing words of praise from people who hired you to speak can go a long way to show potential decision makers that deliver one heck of a presentation. Post book reviews from the media on your web site. Or why not use your customer's own spoken word as a recording on your web site?

About The Author
Kristie Tamsevicius turns entrepreneurs into the lavishly paid, in-demand experts in their field. Learn how to attract customers & gain visibility while successfully promoting your business online with our FREE report "Web Branding Secrets" at http://www.brandingonthenet.com/branding1.htm.

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Click Flipping 101

by: Jamie Clarkson

What is "Click Flipping?" Click flipping is a term coined to describe taking website visits and turning them into serious money. Specifically, click flipping involves promoting services that use "cost per action" or "CPA" payment methods. "CPA networks" usually refer to services that broker sending leads to companies, which may pay $10, $20 or even much more per lead. Some click flippers use a lead capture page that asks the visitors to enter their names and email addresses, and sometimes their phone numbers and snailmail addresses as well. Once entered, the visitor goes to the company's website, and the click flipper gets paid for the lead. Insurance companies, home lenders and mortgage companies, even online casinos, all pay for leads. CPA network companies will sometimes provide a website for the person promoting them, but other times they require the click flipper to already have a website.

A click flipper can earn very big money if he or she can get enough traffic to his or her site or sites. One of the main ways recommended for driving traffic to click flipping sites is "pay per click" or "PPC," which refers to the ads you see all over websites. The major companies that offer PPC are Google, Yahoo and MSN, but there are others as well. Using PPC profitably can be tricky, so it's best to start off slowly, learning as much as possible before throwing yourself into a big campaign, unless you already have a big advertising budget. But, most people trying to make money at click flipping probably aren't going to have a budget like that, so, like any other business, they will need to go through a learning curve before making any real profit. There are certain experts and products that can really help a person learn how to use PPC advertising effectively.

The exciting thing about click flipping is that it combines the best features of the net, such as little overhead, no product to carry, no customer service and no selling. Since all you need to do with CPA companies based on pay per lead is to get people to fill out their names and other information, you don't have to convince anyone to put out any money. It usually takes some time to discover your niche, something that makes you excited enough to go through the learning process in order to stick to it long enough to figure it all out, but it can be very rewarding. Click flipping is considered one of the true "autopilot" businesses online today.

About The Author
Jamie Clarkson has been online since 1995. For more information on Click Flipping please visit http://www.supermarketingaffiliates.com/clickflipping.html.

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People Management And Organisational Performance – Is Bullying Productive?

by: Mark O'Sullivan

Is high performance achieved through sympathetic management, or discipline and fear? This question was first put in the 1920s, and has made repeated appearances in managerial literature - indeed, most of those who have done a management training course will have heard of Likert’s ‘System 4’ or McGregor’s ‘Theory Y’. For a long time, however, it was a matter of personal conviction which option you went for, despite repeated attempts by the human relations and related schools of management to demonstrate that the rigid discipline approach had negative effects.

Recently, however, the CIPD has been sponsoring serious research in Britain (mainly by David Guest of KCL and John Purcell of Bath) to try and nail this evasive problem down. And results so far are promising. The direction of travel was first indicated in the DTI’s Workplace Employment Relations Survey in the late 1990s, which echoed US experience in finding a link between a package of HR practices (e.g. performance appraisal, training, job enrichment, communication) and performance. But this operated as a ‘black box’. Though the existence of a link was clear, it was not possible to infer what exactly it was. Subsequent work, published in 2003, began to isolate strategic vision, job design and first-line manager quality as key factors. Further study is now under way to support these conclusions, seeking to bottom out some of the more difficult areas of the earlier research, such as application across employment sectors, reliability of findings, and what is meant by “good performance”.

There is still some distance to go. In addition, there seems to be a bit too much bias on HR rather than line management (perhaps understandable in a CIPD programme study), and one potentially important question has not yet been addressed at all – why managers who claim to understand the importance of participative management will often in fact, despite using all the right language, behave quite differently in their managerial actions. But the work being done is definitely on the right lines, and is helping us to bring within reach the long-sought goal of the happy and productive worker. There are already indications, for example, that even very rigid, standardised rules and policies can be perceived by staff as positive when delivered and interpreted by supportive first-line managers. If findings of this sort can be fully established and generalised, and also disseminated through the managerial community, there is a chance that British management may at last move from being among the least satisfactory to among the most effective in the world.

About The Author
Mark O'Sullivan writes for IMS Interim Executives, an international S-Cat approved interim management provider. Visit http://www.ims.uk.com for interim management, change and turnaround consultancy, for project management visit http://www.ims.uk.com/project-management.asp.

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Who Would Want To Have A Business Coach?

by: Ted Thomas

Who Would Want To Have A Business Coach?

Business Coaching is a one on one teaching method developed to help individuals increase their productivity and profitability by focusing their time and energy on areas they do best in their particular business.

If you would like to increase your net worth, make your business more profitable, or have someone outside your organization to hold you accountable for reaching your business goals, then you may benefit from a business coach. A business coach will develop curricula along with you to find out what your goals in business are and then help you to create a plan to reach those goals. The goals can be just about anything, from more profits to more time with the family. Most business coaches will contact you on a regular basis to discuss the plan and how you are progressing. They will help to focus your attention on the task that you are trying to achieve and keep you honest about your progress. As a part of this focus, they will offer constructive criticism and encouragement not only keep you moving forward but to keep you in a positive frame of mind. A business coach is much akin to a professional therapist or counselor for your business.

There are many different types of coaches and each has their own unique style so it would be advisable to talk to several coaches before making a decision on who is best for you. Some coaches will constantly push you towards your goals, while others will try to keep the communication lighthearted and positive. Different people respond well to each type but only you can determine which coach is right for you. You must also remember that you are forming a partnership with this person and if they cannot push the right buttons then you will not have the success that you desire. In sum, if you want to reach certain business goals and are having a hard time staying focused or don’t know how to get there, then you may benefit greatly from a talented business coach.

About The Author
Ted Thomas is America's authority on Tax Certificates. He's taught thousands of students to invest with the government, getting up to 2% returns and more. This is a system anyone can duplicate. It's safe, simple, and secure. If you're looking for ways to get bigger returns on your Investments, Sign up for Ted's Investing Tips ($87 value) just visit his websites at http://taxcertificatetips.com or http://besttaxcertificates.com.

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Do You Have A Bad Reputation?

by: Jack McDonough

Lawyers often have a bad reputation, sometimes with good reason. The restraint of “billable hours” requires lawyers to measure out their time in as little as tenths of an hour, forcing them to cut quality and customer service benefits wherever they can. As a result, “client relations” are usually the area where lawyers pay too little attention, causing the client to feel insignificant, and lawyers to lose clients.

The most common complaint from clients? They never see their lawyer. Their lawyer meets with them for an initial consultation, signs them up, and the client never hears from their attorney again. Their frequent calls go unanswered, and they wonder what “service” they are actually paying for. Or perhaps the lawyer "papers" them to death, with letters and documents that they don't understand, and that aren't even explained to them. In other instances, client calls are fielded by the “gatekeepers” - secretaries and paralegals trained to screen calls well. The problem here is that too much information actually gets lost in multiple-party translation.

The real problem with all of this is that clients need to feel important to you. Despite your busy schedule, you need to take the time to speak to clients - occasionally. Small talk made in a cordial and friendly manner, rather than rushed and curt, can help you keep that client for a lifetime – rather than for the single legal issue brought to you initially

The lawyers’ response? If they spend too much time on the phone chatting with their clients, they will never get any work done. This is true – in some instances. There are clients, particularly those who have a retainer agreement, who will try to take advantage of their lawyer, or who gladly make incessant and needless phone calls to their lawyer. And then there are the clients who are involved in highly-charged and emotional matters - such as employment discrimination, criminal law, and domestic relations - who view their lawyer as a therapist and confidant. So the lesson is to set very clear boundaries regarding your time and availability to clients when they retain you. Letting them know that you have a timetable set up to call them for updates, or questions regarding their case, pre-sets their expectations of your availability and contact frequency.

Finally, clients often feel that their attorneys “talk over their head”, or can come across as condescending. Remember – what you do is provide a service, and if the service is bad, your billings and account receivables will start to suffer. Pay attention to who you are talking to, their education level, and how you are being received. Give them time to ask questions, and solicit feedback. Remember that it is not only your legal skills but your interpersonal skills that dictate how you will be received.

About The Author
Jack McDonough is a Colorado CPA, speaker, coach, author, and consultant to professionals in the legal and accounting industries who desire to make more money while working less hours. Jack is President of Wealthy Professionals LLC. http://www.wealthyprofessionals.com

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Wholesale Drop Ship Q&A - How To Drop Ship Online!

by: Eric Laune

Drop shipping wholesale items is an excellent way to start selling online... but I don't want to get ahead of myself here.

There are some different techniques and details to dropshipping, but the basic outline of how to drop ship is outlined with an example below. Let's call the wholesaler we find, "Drop Ship 4 U".

First, you need to find a wholesaler that has products that you want to sell AND that you can resell for a profit... (The difference between your wholesale price and the price your customer pays you is your profit margin).

Second, Make sure that the wholesaler you choose will drop ship. This means that after you sell a product, the wholesaler will ship the item straight to your customer's address - You never touch the item!

…so now what?

For example, let's say that you've found a wholesaler who drop ships... Drop Ship 4 U - Great! Now, you find an item from Drop Ship 4 U that you want to sell... And we're off!

Next, you decide you want to sell on EBay, so you pay Ebay to list your item, and your description of benefits is awsome - so your item sells... Congratulations, you now have a customer!

Now that your customer has paid you through paypal, you place the order through to your wholesale drop shipper, in this case, Drop Ship 4 U. All you have to do is pay Drop Ship 4 U for the item you sold with the money your customer gave you, tell Drop Ship 4 U who, where, and when to ship the item... and the money left over is your profit and you didn't even have to touch anything!

Plus, almost all dropshippers will place your name or your company's name on the package for you, so your customer will not even know about your wholesale drop ship source!

About The Author
Eric Laune has experience with wholesale drop shipping and has identified techniques and sources for people who want to do the same. You can find more info at http://www.wholesale-source-directory.com.

Please feel free to republish this article, just leave the bio in-tact.

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Afraid of Making Money

by: Patric Chan

I believe one of the obstacles that keep people from succeeding is one very basic fear:

The fear of making big money.

Not just fear of making money... but the big moolah.

If you don't think that is a fear that is stopping you then you analyze those rich people closely.

Some of them feared making money because their parents were not high earners. If they made more money than their Father, they reasoned, what kind of son or daughter would they be?

Sounds crazy but this is not what we want but what this is what our sub-conscious mind is reminding us.

Others fear that making big money would 'change' them somehow and they would not be the same person anymore- the same person that people know, love and care for.

True story:

I have a friend whose friends are no longer close to her anymore because she has grown to be more successful than them. She has become a 'bigger' person now.

They start to pick on her like...

"She thinks she's the only person busy with her work."

The truth is... she is BUSY with her work and building a strong financial support but her friends don't have that kind of being busy privilege.

And they'll look for her weaknesses to find chances to pick on her.

Are her friends bad? Not really. They're just reacting towards 'change'. Instead of responding, they're reacting.

They'll feel...

"She's not the same person anymore."

Yes, she chanced to be better and wiser.

So if she changes to be more successful, she'll fear that her friends might not like her they way they used to.

That's just one example.

The fear of making big money is REAL. It's in your mind and the only thing that is moving you is YOUR MIND.

However, you may not believe you are influenced by this fear because it sounds really silly.

But think about it for a minute.

Maybe what you really fear is 'change'... and if you made big money it would change you and your life.

That is why most lottery 'millionaires' end up spending or losing most of their winnings a year or so after they've won... they seek 'normal' lives again where nothing ever changes.

It's not hard to make big money... the hard part is giving yourself permission to make it and keep it.

Yes, I said give yourself PERMISSION to start making big money.

The game of becoming rich is an internal one... just like golf, or becoming an Olympic athlete. The problem is inside us... lack of confidence and self-esteem are the enemies.

Don't let fear of making money stop you. Start believing in yourself, check your self-esteem and make a wise informed and profitable choice for your future.

One of the way to solve this is by using... an anchor.

With an anchor, you have the power to do a simple act and you'll instantly be able to eliminate that fear of making money. Sounds interesting, isn't it?

No, this is not trying to use affirmation. It's scientifically proven to work. The 'technology' for using anchoring is introduced in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

This is probably the fastest way to change your emotions instantly.

I'll show you how to experience 'success'.

Think of a time when you have a very successful experience. It can be when you get number #1 in any competition.

It can be an experience when you beat Your competitors to be a winner.

It could even be when your wife agreed to marry you!

Now focus on the feeling of success you have experienced last time. Pull out the memory of how it felt like ... to be successful, to be on top of your game.

Engage that feeling. Are you feeling it?

I know it's hard while reading this article but you'll need to practice it if you want to know how it works.

See yourself when you have achieve success, hear the claps and cheers, remember the smell of room where you're winning the prizes and feel it.

Then it's time for you to create an anchor at that exact moment of time.

Many types of actions can be an anchor for you.

You can twist your ear, move your fingers 5 times, clinch your fist 3 times, rub your hands together, make an arm swing or just do anything you can think of that can have a special meaning for you.

This anchor will be engrossed with the state you in. And the state that you're in at that moment of time is when you're experiencing your successes.

The more passionate or lively the experience, the better anchor you will create.

Copyright 2006 Patric Chan

About The Author
Patric Chan is an author, international speaker and founder of the "You Chan Do It! Personal Achievement Newsletter of eSuccessMastery.com. You can get his latest success tips and strategies to achieve your goals quicker and easier for FREE at his blog: http://www.motivatedforsuccess.com

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Weekly Tasks No One Man Business Should Skip

by: Matt Bacak

Every business has tasks that need to be taken care of on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. These tasks keep the business afloat and running like a well oiled machine. A one man business adds another level of complexity to this balancing act. A one man business must minimize any wasteful activities and resources.

Let’s take a look at what a one man business should accomplish on a weekly basis. Complete these business tasks on a weekly basis and you are putting yourself in the best position possible. Your business will be more likely to succeed and bring in money.

Let’s start with Monday. Monday is a critical day. The tasks you achieve on Monday set the whole tone of you week. Therefore, you want to be productive right out of the starting gate. On Monday morning write a “To-Do” list for the entire week. Don’t just think of the “To-Do”, but actually write it down. The To-Do list can be modified as the need arises, but this will give you a flight plan for the week.

Not sure what to put on your To-Do list? Think of the end product that you want to achieve. For example, your end product may be generating lead. Keep this end product in mind when writing your tasks for the week. What tasks do you need to finish to result in an end product?

Lead Generation and Profit Generation should be the major focus every day. You should create a campaign that revolves around selling. Therefore, on a weekly basis you should strive to send out two emails per week. You should write one article per day and submit one article per day. Articles and emails help you to build your list. Building your list is a major component of lead generation.

Implementing a task management plan can take time. As a one man business you might not enough hours in the day to accomplish outsourcing. Therefore, you should seriously consider outsourcing some of your tasks. For example, if writing an article takes you an extensive amount of time then you can outsource to a freelance writer. A great resource for outsourcing talent is at www.elance.com. Outsourcing enables you to focus on Lead Generation and Profit Generation.

About The Author

Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours. Recent Entrepreneur Magazine’s e-Biz radio show host is turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into Overnight Success Stories. Discover The Secrets To Unleash The Powerful Promoter In You! Sign up for Matt Bacak's Promoting Tips Ezine ($100 value) just visit his website at http://www.promotingtips.com or http://www.powerfulpromoter.com. 

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The Massive Benefits of Profit Sharing

by: Matt Bacak

Do you run your own business and want it to grow by leaps and bounds? Do you have employees that are hard workers, but could work even harder? If you can provide the right incentives then you can prompt your employees work to their highest potential. Highly productive employees can be the ticket to a lucrative and successful business.

How can you encourage employees to take on a more active role in your organization? One method is to engage in Profit Sharing. Profit sharing means that you can offer employees a piece of the profit pie. Employees are typically paid on a salary basis. You may feel that simply offering a highly competitive salary is enough to encourage your employees to work harder. However, this is often not the case because employees will be paid the same amount despite differences in their productivity.

Profit sharing, on the other hand, enables employees to feel a part of the team. They will have a vested in the success of the business because it personally affects their bottom line. The power of a profit sharing incentive is immense. Employees will feel as though they are part of a team instead of simply an employee.

How can you start a profit sharing incentive at your business? There are many ways you can implement a profit sharing incentive program from stock options to sales commissions. One way to begin is to be honest and open about your company’s financials with your employees. Depending on your comfort level, you can allow them to view the financial numbers that keep your business afloat. Enable employees to see exactly how much revenues and profits your business is earning. Be sure to also show them how much overhead is currently costing your company.

Showing the profit side of the books will encourage employees to strive harder to make more money. They need to understand that the more money the company makes, the more money each employee will have in their pocket.

Showing the overhead cost side of the books will prompt employees to seek ways to minimize overhead costs. For example, they may try to conserve paper and electricity once they see the costs associated with these overhead items.

Profit sharing is a powerful incentive option that will change employees into team members. Your company profits will soar since employees now have a vested interest in the success of your company. So if you’re searching for an incentive program for your business then profit sharing may be just the right plan for you.

About The Author
Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours. Recent Entrepreneur Magazine's e-Biz radio show host is turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into Overnight Success Stories. Discover The Secrets To Unleash The Powerful Promoter In You! Sign up for Matt Bacak's Promoting Tips Ezine ($100 value) just visit his website at http://www.promotingtips.com or http://www.powerfulpromoter.com.

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Articles I Found is now on Technorati.

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A Little Inspiration For You

by: Diane Hughes

It’s about half way through the year… or pretty close, at least. How are you doing in your business?

In the years I’ve been building and marketing my business, I’ve seen other entrepreneurs come and go. I truly hope the best for each one and it’s always sad when you hear about a great business idea from an excited entrepreneur one month, only to check in with them a few months later and hear that they’ve had to move on to something else because their business did not do as well as they had hoped.

In every business there will be good times and hardships and I don’t think anyone goes into business with the idea that it’s otherwise.

There are times when the stresses of the business can become so overwhelming, or the responsibilities of the business can become so mundane, that you think to yourself, “it would be so much easier to pack it in and get a ‘real job’.” I have those days too… and I find they often happen around the middle of the year. People always joke that Wednesday is “hump day” because it’s the middle of the week – the hump – and therefore the hardest day to get through. When you own a business and it has its annual ups and downs, I think it can be more like “hump month” – which is June.

So this article is about giving you inspiration and ideas to get through those times when you wonder why you’re doing it all.

I want to provide a great future for my children. My parents worked hard to see that I could have the opportunities I had. They sacrificed for me. Where did they learn that from? Their own parents, who immigrated to the US, gave up so much for them. Their parents – my grandparents – left behind a successful, prosperous life in Europe to move to the US in search of a dream.

Some like to call it the American Dream. I like to think that they had a dream that was much more individualized than that. They came here with very little except a positive attitude and high hopes for their unborn children. They did enjoy financial stability in their golden years but spent decades working to achieve it. My parents grew up in that financially stable environment and sacrificed some of their dreams so I could have opportunities, too.

And now I’m doing the same. By my computer I keep a picture of each of my children and I look at them all the time. Yes, I look at them because they are little darlings, but also because they are so precious to me that I am willing to put up with the occasional hardships and make the sacrifices I can to help them have opportunities when they grow up.

I could take my income and spend my time in the Caribbean on regular, extended holidays. I sell it all and go on cruises around the world or little weekend adventures here or there. Instead, I show up nearly every day to my “work” (which I love, by the way!) and as I turn on my computer I look at my kids and remember why I’m here.

To be honest, I have an amazing “job” and very rarely find myself not enjoying every moment of it. But I’m also realistic enough to recognize that we all do have hardships sometimes and we need to keep the bigger picture in mind to help us get through those days.

What can you do to help keep you motivated to succeed through thick and thin?

Copyright 2006 Diane Hughes

About The Author
Diane Hughes
ATTENTION! I am giving away $2,446.13 worth of marketing tools and products and over $5,010.64 worth of resale rights. Demand is great and memberships are going fast!

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Monetize Your Content Sites

by: Gary Ortlieb
To know why Adsense is essential for your content sites is to know first how this works.

The concept is really simple, if you think about it. The publisher or the webmaster inserts a java script into a certain website. Each time the page is accessed, the java script will pull advertisements from the Adsense program. The ads that are targeted should therefore be related to the content that is contained on the web page serving the ad. If a visitor clicks on an advertisement, the webmaster serving the ad earns a portion of the money that the advertiser is paying the search engine for the click.

The search engine is the one handling all the tracking and payments, providing an easy way for webmasters to display content-sensitive and targeted ads without having the hassle to solicit advertisers, collect funds, monitor the clicks and statistics which could be a time-consuming task in itself. It seems that there is never a shortage of advertisers in the program from which the search engine pulls the Adsense ads. Also webmasters are less concerned by the lack of information search engines are providing and are more focused in making cash from these search engines.

The first reason why Adsense is essential for content sites is because it already has come a long way in understanding the needs of publishers and webmasters. Together with its continuous progression is the appearance of more advanced system that allows full ad customization. Webmasters are given the chance to choose from many different types of text ad formats to better complement their website and fit their webpage layout.

The different formatting enables the site owners the possibility of more click through from visitors who may or may not be aware of what they are clicking on. It can also appeal to the people visiting thus make them take that next step of looking up what it is all about. This way the people behind the Adsense will get their content read and making profit in the process.

The second reason is the ability of the Adsense publishers to track not only how their sites are progressing but also the earnings based on the webmaster-defined channels. The recent improvements in the search engines gives webmasters the capability to monitor how their ads are performing using customizable reports that has the capacity to detail page impressions, clicks and click-through rates. Webmasters and publishers can now track specific ad formats, colors and pages within a website. Trends are also easily spotted.

With the real-time reporting at hand, the effectiveness of the changes made will be assessed quickly. There would be time to sort out the contents that people are making the most clicks on. The ever-changing demands would be met while generating cash for the webmasters and publishers. The more flexible tools are also allowing webmasters to group web pages by URL, domain, ad type or category, which will provide them some accurate insight on which pages, ads and domains are performing best.

The last and final reason is that the advertisers have realized the benefits associated having their ads served on targeted websites. Thus increasing the possibility that a prospective web surfer will have an interest in their product and services. All because of the content and its constant maintenance. As opposed to those who are no using Adsense in their sites, they are given the option of having other people do their content for them, giving them the benefit of having successful and money-generating web sites.

Adsense is all about targeted content, the more targeted your content is, the more target the search engines’ ads will be. There are some web masters and publishers who are focused more on their site contents and how best to maintain them rather than the cash that the ads will generate for them. This is the part where the effectiveness is working its best.

There was a time when people were not yet aware of the money to be achieved from advertisements. The cash generated only came into existence when the webmasters and publishers realized how they can make Adsense be that generator. In those days, the content were the most important factors that is taken quite seriously. It still is. With the allure of money, of course.

About The Author
Gary Ortlieb
I am 56 years old. I have been working on the Internet for about 2 years as an affiliate marketer. I just recently launched my first info products websit called: http://www.garysminisitemall.com. 

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Mistakes Affiliates Make - Help For Newbies

by: Wy Williams

Mistakes affiliates make result generally from a lack of knowledge. Yes, we know there are many ebooks showing affiliates the way to go. But remember, even the gurus had a learning curve. Gurus made mistakes too.

The key for affiliates today is to learn as much as they can even as they join affiliate programs. The major portion of affiliate sales are raked in by only 5% of the affiliates! Please don’t let that information discourage you.

Newbies especially, be encouraged. Here is the other side of the coin! A research firm Forrester Research, indicates that we affiliates will have $280 billion dollars/year to divide up amongst ourselves by 2008. Walk don’t run, take your time, and learn the ropes. There is hope for us! But try to avoid the following:

Affiliate Mistake #1

When you promote, be sure to promote the product. Nothing else, just the product. Let the wealthy people who captured you into their program be concerned about promoting the program. You just focus on selling the product. That’s what affiliates do.

While you’re at it, endorse the product. You are your chief weapon in your marketing arsenal. Did you know that? Well you know it now. Tell them about the product. Let them know how it has benefited you. Endorse, endorse and endorse some more!

Affiliate Mistake #2

Stay away from the heavy hitters. If your specialty in the offline world was marketing that doesn’t mean you’re going to be great in the online world. Swim in the waters where the small grunts are first.

As you learn a few online tips and tricks, then you can wade into deeper water. But don’t go out too far! The deeper waters of the Internet are known to be shark-infested.

Affiliate Mistake #3

Are you capturing names and addresses? No! You’ve gotta be kidding me! You’re letting money slip through your fingers. Answer this? Would you rather buy from someone that you trust, or someone that you don’t trust? Yeah! I figured so.

Collect those emails and start to build some trust with your very own list. Take your time with this. Don’t rush them. Don’t bug them either. Work on that list immediately.

Affiliate Mistake #4

Keep track of the promotions you do. Some will be duds. There’s nothing worse than throwing money after an unprofitable promotion. What makes it worse is that you may have a profitable promotion that you aren’t paying much attention to but should be.

Affiliate Mistake #5

While you‘re working on your affiliate programs what’s happening with your own product? What was that? I didn’t hear you? No? Okay, what do you like to do? Quite frankly you may not be able to pursue what you are passionate about.

But there must be something you can do? Everyone on the topside has a gift. Is it plumbing? Gardening? You must have something up your sleeve. If it’s something you’re passionate about, and it works online, you may have arrived. But you won’t know until you take action.

Let’s be realistic. You’re going to make mistakes, you’re human. Allow me to encourage you with this; there is more money out there than the mistakes you can make. You’ll be an expert one day. And when that happens you won’t be able to get out of the way of those affiliate commissions.

About The Author
Wy Williams
Mistakes affiliates make should always be learning experiences. Simply knowing what you’ve read in this article isn't enough. Action is required in order to be successful. To learn how you can do exactly that, and to learn more about Wy Williams and his website, check this out. http://www.wyclefinnovations.com/amb.html 

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How Much Easier Can It Get?

by: Richard Grady

Recently, I wrote about how you need to put in a fair amount of hard work before your online business becomes successful - there is no such thing as an 'overnight success'.

Despite this, setting up and running an Internet business is a hundred times easier today than it was, say, five years ago. There are just so many more services and products available to assist you and I got to wondering how much easier things could really get?

This week, the UK Post Office has announced a new free service which allows people to buy their stamps online. You simply pay for the stamps you require with a credit/debit card and then print off a label to stick on your envelope. I haven't used the service yet but as far as I can tell, the label even includes the address to which the letter is going so you don't even need to write it out (or print off a second label)!

A similar service has been in operation in the US for some time but this is fairly new technology in the UK. Just think how much time this new service could potentially save the average eBay seller....

One of the main reasons I stopped selling on eBay was because I couldn't stand queuing up in the Post Office to get stamps for my packages. Using the new online service, I could just print off my stamps and then drop all of my letters/small packages straight into the letterbox. There would be no need to even go into the Post Office. Admittedly this might not be the case for larger parcels but the PO/couriers will pick these up from your house for regular senders (how much easier can it get?!)

The other thing I used to have to do was venture out to buy packing materials from a local office supplies company. Of course, there is no longer any need to do this as for several years it has been possible to get all of your packing materials (and in fact pretty much anything else) delivered to your door. In addition the prices are cheaper than the local stores too!

Whilst taking my packages etc the Post Office, I also used to have to visit the bank to pay cheques/checks in and then wait for them to clear. Again, this hasn't been necessary for years with the growth of services such as Paypal and NoChex. Now all an online trader needs to do is check their email!

With so much of the offline world gradually coming online, it is already perfectly possible to run an Internet business without ever leaving your house. I used to joke that if the mood took me, that I could run my businesses without ever getting out of bed. This was never completely true since there would always be one or two tasks that I couldn't do from the comfort of my home but these are getting fewer and fewer.

So we are heading towards a situation whereby you can build and manage your own business without ever going outside, without ever talking to anyone and if you wish, without ever getting out of bed! Not only that but this business has the potential to earn you more money than you would ever earn by doing the exact opposite (ie. going out and working). Ok, staying in bed for the rest of your life may not be the best thing for you and the lack of social interaction would probably drive you mad but is it just me that finds this possibility an incredible thing?

I mean, how much easier can it get?

Copyright 2006 Richard Grady
About The Author
Richard Grady has been helping people earn online since 1998. To view Richard's latest website, SimplyWholesale, visit http://www.simplywholesale.co.uk To subscribe to his bi-weekly newsletter, please visit: http://www.thetraderonline.com/newsletter.html. 

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Joint Venture - Newbies, Consider This

by: Wy Williams

A Joint Venture can generate a ton of money for you. It can take your business some place it’s never been. In addition, nothing that you own will be placed at risk and you don’t even have to spend a cent!

If you’re going to do a Joint Venture, check out the heavy hitters first. Go straight to the top. Make an approach to them for a piece of the big time action. What have you got to lose? Your pride? Take a spoonful of that and put it on the dinner plate and see who eats it?

Newbie’s, are you tired of all the stuff those big guys have been shoveling? Think about this. If all the material the big time gurus sell to you really works, then how come you aren’t rich like them?

Do you have a problem accumulating wealth using other people's money and expertise? Piggybacking of other business clients,’ products and resources just may be the way for you to go at this point.

Can you really achieve something like this? You don’t have any expert status, a mailing list, credibility, or even a product. We won’t even consider the question of experience.

You have to consider your own strengths. Is your real strength in communicating? That could be half the battle with a Joint Venture. It’s about bringing the right parties together. You must have no fear of approaching and persuading your intended partners. Consider their current products, targeted clients, and resources.

Think what would happen if these ingredients were merged? What would the synergy create? Do you envision unbelievable wealth? Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. You can get a share in that wealth building too.

For example, keep your ear to the ground. Think about the targeted customers in a particular company. Would they be responsive to an approach to buy something of value from another company?

The product and people would certainly compliment themselves if merged. Work up a plan, make the approach. Are you afraid that if you make the approach one of the principals might turn you down and run with the idea himself and cut you out?

You can’t let that hold you back. You may have been the one individual who could pull this Joint Venture together and make it work. Take the bull by the horns and make the approach.

The key for you here is to create the type of Joint Venture that absolutely no one can say no to. Also, when they see your creative juices flowing, they’ll realize that this joint venture wouldn’t work without you.

Think over possible objections like, ‘this won’t work,’ ‘this is a losing plan, anyone can see that,’ or even, ‘nobody is going to steal my customers.’

If you’re the type of person who is not easily intimidated and can handle high powered people and their objections without getting rattled, there could be something for you in the joint ventures arena. Think of the possibilities!

You must have a strong belief in yourself that you can bring this deal to a close. Show the parties that they have fallen head first into a win/win situation. What is a joint venture but an agreement that will benefit three or more people? (Obviously considering you also).

Don’t be overawed by people in high places. You can do this? I know you can bring someone with a targeted mailing list, and someone with a product that you believe will dovetail nicely with that mailing list together? If you know it too, then go ahead.

Convince them of the explosive possibilities of a joint venture? If you have the belief that you have the tools to do that, then what are you waiting for. You may have arrived.

About The Author
Wy Williams
A Joint Venture will have your business off to a great start. It has always been very lucrative for some. Add your name to that list. Wy Williams has enjoyed bringing this internet business information to you. Visit him here: http://www.wyclefinnovations.com/amb.html 

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Make Your Business Travel Easier With Better Technology

by: Rick Abbott

At one point not long ago travel time was considered dead time to the businessperson. Dead time while waiting on flights, on the plane and, worse, dead time in the hotel was, in general, considered to be wasted time. That’s not so today.

With the advent of WIFI in airports and hotels, travel time does not need to be a waste. We no longer even consider packing the laptop into the luggage. Rather, we carry it on the plane with us and use it during travel.

Most airports have now added the ability to hook into their broadband networks with an Ethernet cord. Better still, you can just boot up with a wireless card and you’re good to go. For a list of airports in the United States and Europe that offer free Internet hotspots check out this web site: http://www.wififreespot.com/airport.html.

This also goes for hotels and motels. Just boot up your computer and you’re back in the office. Some hotels offer high-speed Internet at an additional cost. But it’s usually packaged with long distance service or unlimited calling. Others offer the Internet connection free. Usually, all you need to do is supply your name and, in some cases, a room number, to connect. Other hotels may offer wireless service only in rooms within range of its network.

In laptops not equipped with wireless cards can access the wireless Internet service at some hotels because guests can check out equipment at the desk. For wired connections, a cable may be supplied in the room. If you feel limited, as a lot of us do when tied to the wall with the Ethernet cable, consider adding a compact router to your briefcase. Several are now available for under $100 and their range is actually comparable to the full size router.

OK, so now you know how easy it is to connect. But what about the equipment? For seamless travel, most of us know that a laptop and a cell phone are essential lifelines for the business traveler, but what other technology and new equipment is available to the travelling businessperson?

Packing all of the pieces and toting them can be a hassle, to be sure. The luggage industry has finally realized this and has risen to the occasion. Today, more than ever, we are seeing compact bags that will pack the multitude of cords, wires and chargers needed for business travel.

It seems that the old heavy bags are a thing of the past and travelers now rely more on the backpack style to travel. They pack equipment that weighs several times more than their body size. The only real care to take is to make sure that the wireless card is safely stored in a pocket of the backpack - not in the computer, And for sanity’s sake, a lesson learned the hard way, pack an extra.

Whether you opt for the briefcase version or the easier-to-tote backpack, style and room is not going to be sacrificed. Both the traditional briefcase and the backpack are now roomier and well padded for the office essentials. Both styles come with and without wheels. The choice is the travelers, and there is a multitude of ways to go.

When it comes to business travel, pack the right tools and you won’t even know that you are out of the office. Advances in technology have made business travel easier than ever.

About The Author

Rick Abbott is an experienced business traveler, part time author, and consultant in the IT field. For more road warrior articles and tips, go to www.roadwarriorarticles.com. If you are a writer and like writing articles about business travel, submit your articles to www.roadwarriorarticles.com where other business travelers can read them online.

Article Source: http://www.roadwarriorarticles.com

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It's Never Too Early To Begin Retirement Planning

by: Morgan Hamilton
Have you already planned your retirement? Does your company offer you great benefits and retirement options or do they simply avoid offering any retirement options? Maybe you already know that there are two types of companies when it comes to retirement. The one type tends to offer tempting benefits and retirement options to their employees while the other type will just avoid talking about this matter.

Why do they need to do this? I believe it is all about the money they can spend on their worker because of the differences in funds and resources, which they have. What I am certain about is that retirement options that different companies offer make them a successful or an unsuccessful company in the employees’ eyes.

However, retirement planning is a serious matter and we all have to consider it sooner rather than later. Appropriate retirement planning is the first thing that a successful career has to offer you. You should not wait to plan your retirement because funds may get scanty later. So, have you already thought about your retirement planning or at least have you already begun doing it?

Actually, are you completely aware of the contemporary ways of retirement planning? Don’t tell me that you think that retirement planning is a matter that only elderly people have to consider! If you think so, I have to tell you with regret that you are very wrong.

The truth is that time is passing even quicker than we expect. Retirement years will come quickly without you even manage to get ready for them. So don’t you think it will be better for you to plan your life ahead? Wouldn’t be better to be prepared for the retirement when it comes?

I guess you do not prefer to spend your golden years searching for some part-time job in order to make enough cash for simple living. Maybe you do not want to find it hard to pay for your week's groceries when you are at retiring age. Don’t you imagine your retirement years as years full of fun and relaxation, enjoying your hobbies and doing the things you love?

Therefore, you need to plan your retirement now and to ensure a better life for the future. What’s the right time to start retirement planning? Personally, I recommend starting retirement planning once you have graduated from college and acquired a good job. Then, you’ll only need to pay some cash monthly at the bank in order to make that future retirement worthy.

Probably, you have already considered retirement planning but you do not know where you can find a good deal. It will be a good idea that you first make a brief research over the internet. You will find out that there are many retirement planning related websites available which provide helpful and detailed information about retirement planning.

Moreover, all online advices are free! Such online services will be even more helpful if your current company does not offer a sufficient retirement plan. Time flied and you will get retired before you even understand it is time for retirement. Do not allow this to happen! Get started with that retirement planning today. Later, you’ll realize that you have done well.

About The Author

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning family. Learn more at http://www.familyforumsite.com/family-news--information/family-forum/its-never-too-early-to-begin-retirement-planning.html 

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The Two Truths Of Team Building

 by: John Davis

There are a few “truths” every manager, supervisor or team leader should realize before beginning any team building initiative. Ignore these principles and you’ll be building your castle on sand. Recognize them at every step throughout the team’s work and you’ll have a group that will function smoothly and effectively.

“So what are these truths?” you may ask. Well, their simplicity may astound you, but their effect is significant. I’ve listed the Two Truths of Team Building in the order of their importance below, and I’ve also suggested ways for you to implement them for the benefit of your organization.

Truth #1 – Know Your Team on an Individual Basis

If I had to choose one of these truths to build on initially then this would be the one. People are far too anonymous these days. Even within families and in the workplace where we see each other every day, we don’t tend to connect on a real level with very many people. In fact, if you ask anyone they’ll probably tell you that their friends of their childhood years are far more memorable and meaningful to them than their present associates.

Now I’m not suggesting that you befriend everyone in your workplace in a deep, personal way. But a few extra moments of “lingering” after the necessary work-related communications have happened can open up a whole world of opportunities to learn about those within your workplace in a natural, non-threatening way.

Truth #2 – Let Your Team Get to Know You

Most managers, supervisors and team leaders have an unreasonable sense of how they should hold themselves within the workplace. In our efforts to serve as a role model and a standard bearer we tend create a distance from the very same people who need to feel like they can come to us with their ideas and concerns. But who feels at ease in the shadow of Superman or Wonder Woman? Not very many people, that’s for sure. Team building efforts will never come together as effectively as possible if the leader is seen as unapproachable or “too perfect”.

So how should we combat this? I wouldn’t suggest for a minute that you do things that would lower your status in their eyes. But you can give them insights into who you are by being more of who you are at work. We all have lives outside of the office. Why not bring more of that to work? Do you have a favorite sports team? What kind of music do you like to listen to? Where have you been with your family recently?

Bring those things into your work environment so that your team can see who you are without having to come right out and ask you. Remember, it’s hard to get close enough to an icon to find out who he or she is. You’ve got to make those features about yourself accessible so that they can pick up on them without being too forward in finding out for themselves.

When you practice these two truths on a consistent basis along the road of team building you will find your team coming together more easily and more effectively. The power of getting to know one another within a work group can be the lubricant that eases the team through challenges that would stop a less cohesive group dead in their tracks. Which one do you want to be?

About The Author

Business writer, John Davis, writes about http://www.better-business-now.com/general/articles/team-building-truths-to-live-by.html and http://www.better-business-now.com at his site, http://Better-Business-Now.com. 

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Financial Planning Software

 by: Simon Oldmann

When it comes to planning your financial well-being, it might be helpful to use one of the many tools available today. Some of these tools include financial planning software. Depending on the type of software you purchase, it could help you in a variety of different areas, such as planning for your retirement or keeping track of your personal and business dealings. Many of the financial planning software that is available today can do all of this and so much more.

There are several different types of financial planning software available on the market today, that you will have no problems in finding one. However, whichever type you choose, you should ensure that it performs exactly as you need it to, in your financial planning venture. For example, some software can help you in managing and calculating your 401k, estimate the costs of college or savings, keep track of your stock portfolio, or analyze the goals of your IRA.

Some other features include keeping track of your profit and loss in regards to your business, balancing your checking account or multiple accounts; maintain a organized list of your customers, contacts, or even employees. There are so many features that come with various financial planning software that it is imperative that you research the software to ensure it can offer you exactly what you need.

The prices vary greatly depending on the financial planning software you purchase. For example, the latest version of Microsoft Money – Home and Business, which is perfect for home-based business owners, personal finances, or businesses that employ less than five people, runs for a cost of around $60.00.

The financial planning software that is the most popular and used by many is Quicken. The home and business version of Quicken, gives you power to categorize expenses both personal and business, in efforts to help you when it comes to taxes and reports. Quicken helps you in finding all the deductions you can claim and simplifies the process of preparing your taxes, as well as helping you in managing your flow of cash in an effective manner. This program runs at a cost of about $80.00.

Of course, the choice is yours and you should only make the decision after conducting research on the different financial planning software, determining what your needs are, comparing prices, and comparing support of the company. Make sure when you make any type of investment that you only do so after gaining knowledge and the best information.

About The Author

Simon Oldmann has been studying personality traits for 10 years, with a focus on the effects of financial planning on health and mental stability. Simon is currently writing tips and advice on Financial Planning at http://financialiq.zupatips.com/ for http://Zupatips.com 

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MLM Training - Are You Getting Any?

 by: Suzanne Fulford

MLM company training typically incorporates lots of hype, with claims of superiority, extravagant growth, and other big language. That type of training is typically not very helpful. A large percentage of people involved in network marketing have no experience with any type of promotion or marketing. This type of training usually leads the average person to frustration and possible failure.

Are you a salesperson?

The vast majority of people who get into network marketing are not salespeople, nor do they wish to become one! Yet the training people get from their uplines goes something like this: Now that you’ve joined, get your entire family and all your friends to join you! Go out there and talk to everyone within three feet! Get out of your comfort zone! Get 100 no’s! Make 50 dials a day! This type of training tries to turn trainees into salespeople. In network marketing, this leads to frustration and discomfort because people don’t like to sell or be sold, especially by their friends and family.

Here’s the funny thing: In my previous life, I was in sales! I sold everything from garbage services to advertising, and I was successful, too. When I got into network marketing, I thought, No problem, piece of cake, I can sell anyone anything; this will be easy. Guess what? It was hard. I did everything my upline told me to do, and I still didn’t have success. When I asked what else I could do, I was told to just keep talking to people and not to quit. What kind of training is that?

Do you have a simple, duplicable system?

In network marketing you need a system for promotion, presentation, and follow-up that is simple and duplicable—a system the average secretary, plumber, teacher, mechanic, retiree, salesperson, or CEO can follow. A system that’s rejection-free. For you to have success, a good upline needs a training system in place to teach people about people. Network marketing is a teaching and mentoring business, and in order to be successful, you must understand people and what makes them tick. Most MLM upline training consists of telling people it’s a numbers game. Have you ever been treated like a number? Did you like it? How did it make you feel? Is that the way you want to make people feel? It’s not a numbers game—it’s about people, and people are not numbers.

Most MLM companies don’t provide training that’s worth a hill of beans. Typically, it consists of a lot of motivation and “you can do it” hype. That’s okay. Believe it or not, the company’s job isn’t to train the distributors in the field; their job is to manufacture and ship the products and then send us our checks. That’s why it’s so important to find an upline or team that has a system already in place, a system that you can plug into for some good meat-and-potatoes training and that has great support and makes you feel part of a team, not alone on an island, struggling to survive. When you find a MLM team with good, solid training in place, it will be magic!

About The Author

Suzanne Fulford is a successful network marketer and stay at home mother of two. Suzanne believes everyone with the desire to become successful in network marketing can do so with the proper skills, mentoring and support. It is her goal to help as many people as possible attain the proper skills and mentor them to success. Download her free eBook at http://www.TheMLMmom.com or visit http://www.NetworkMarketingHotspot.com for more free tips and training. 

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Debt Management, Budgeting and Financial Controls - Sticking to The Budget

 by: Keith Wallis

The Basics

As I outlined in my previous article on budgeting (http://www.cars-and-money.co.uk/tips/debt-management/debt-management.html), setting the budget is relatively easy, sticking to the budget is the tough stuff.

It is a bit like going on a diet I suppose. The thing about being on a diet is you are always thinking about the things you cannot have rather than the things you can have. So it is not surprising that most people go off the rails when dieting - that cream cake was just too tempting this time.

In just the same way, if you have set a budget and put some cash in the bank to pay for it later, it will always be tempting to spend next month's money today i.e. to go off the rails. Sticking to budgets is hard when you have been loose with money to date, but you have to do it - there is no choice.

Think of it this way. If you stick to the budget, things will steadily get better; if you do not then things will quickly get a lot worse. It is one incentive at least.

The principle is outlined clearly by Mr Micawber in Charles Dickens’ David Copperfield:

“if a man had twenty pounds a-year for his income, and spent nineteen pounds nineteen shillings and sixpence, he would be happy, but .. if he spent twenty pounds one he would be miserable”

The quote is famous, what is not so famous is that having said this Micawber then borrows money off David Copperfield for a drink then gives him an IOU in his wife’s name.

So just knowing what to do is not enough – the principles have to be followed.

Planning for Success

The principle here is very simple: failure to plan is planning to fail.

Clearly, you can deduce from this, the one thing that blows the budget time and time again is thoughtless, or unplanned, shopping. If it is food shopping then going to the shop without a plan, without a pre-established list is a recipe for failure.

Recent reports have suggested that one in six people now discards more than 10 per cent of their average weekly groceries shopping because the goods are either past their sell-by date or are no longer fresh. Salad and fresh vegetables are the most likely items to be thrown away. This is of course the result of not thinking through your weekly purchases and planning to use what you buy before you need to throw it out.

For example, when putting together your weekly food shopping list, plan the list around daily meals for the coming week and involve everyone. If you live with a family, or just a partner, everyone implicated in the budget has to be involved. It then becomes much less of a fight and strangely enough can be a very positive experience being something that you can all do together - not to mention a subject of much heated debate.

You need to know the price of things in the shop. Do not buy on the basis of it looking nice, look at the price and assess the value for money: the value to you. Get to know the prices of things so you can estimate spending before you go in the shop.

The key is in fact value for money, this is not necessarily about buying the cheapest option it is about value to you and if buying two food items today reduces your overall spend over two weeks - then spend more today and buy two to save money for next week.

Enough about food shopping, I will be covering it again in a later article along with another on assessing the value of purchases.

Focussed Shopping (not grazing)

The other substantial risk to budget adherence is of course non food shopping. The advice here is simple - give it up. This is very much a man / woman thing. Men generally will not take too much persuading to give up shopping, for women however browsing in shopping malls is a pleasant pass time and a good opportunity to pick up some great bargains in the sales (because we are cutting back aren't we?).

Unfortunately the truth is that even the best bargain is expenditure nonetheless. If you have run up debt as a result of past spending sprees you may not need to spend money on clothes for at least a year. So don't! Buy what you 'need' only and go directly to the shop you need to buy it from, buy it, then leave the shop and the mall (if applicable).

Do Something Else

There are pastimes, other than shopping, which do not require expenditure and you should look them up - they will keep you occupied, stop you thinking about all of the things you do not have and save you a fortune.

I will be covering this in more detail in a later article, but consider this: if you live near the seaside (in the UK you are never more than 75 miles from the sea), taking the kids to the seaside for a picnic will cost next to nothing, but will keep the whole family occupied for a day. However, make sure you pre-plan the day and take everything you need with you, bought at supermarket prices - not at local tourist shop rates.

Review & Revise

Another general principle in all of this is to be constantly aware of the budget that has been set and to constantly review set figures and performance. If you have changed insurance providers to reduce costs make sure you review it again next time it comes up for renewal (normally every year). Equally gas and electric consumption can be reduced and you should resist the siren call of direct debit and standing orders. Sometimes discounts can be obtained by using direct debit and it is difficult to argue against that, but service providers (e.g. gas / electric) can make mistakes and with direct debits you then have to get the money back after they have made the mistake and the money is with them. Remember 9 tenths of the civil law is possession.

In particular, not using automatic payments will stop you going overdrawn by mistake and will make you focus every month on each individual item of expenditure and make you think about ways of reducing it further. Discuss this with your partner at least once a month and maintain a continual focus on your money and where it is going. An annoying and painful process I know, but one of the secrets of successfully sticking to your budget nonetheless.


This is all very miserable stuff really. It is like outlining a manifesto to be miserable, a new stoic philosophy along the lines of some of the more extreme religious philosophies. Spontaneity is spurned and it seems you will never be happy again. If it seems that way, then it will fail; you will fail.

Just going back to the diet analogy, the successful dieters set themselves short term targets and provide themselves with rewards when they hit those targets. They also have a long term objective they are working towards with a big reward in the end.

If you are dealing with debt, a long term target may be simply to be debt free. A worthy target with a wonderful reward in the end: perhaps you should sweeten the deal with an affordable holiday to celebrate what could be years of careful budgeting.

Equally you may be working towards a house purchase – a mountain to climb for many people these days. You need to set yourself some success staging posts along the way.

For example, in dealing with the food budget problem, always aim to under spend on your target budget amount. Put at least some of the saving to one side. This under spend could now be used for trips to the pub etc. This will make you think twice about over indulging during a normal week as it will jeopardise a treat later in the week or (more likely) later in the month.

You can get a great deal of leverage from this by careful spending - that drink, meal or trip to the cinema will be so much sweeter when you have worked extra hard to earn it.

Better still make the reward some time off, or new clothes – something with lasting value. You need to decide what will turn you on.

With respect to the long term objective, never lose sight of this. If it is a new house – hang a picture of your ideal home on the wall or put a small picture above the TV to keep it fresh in your mind always.

Never forget your objective and last, but not least:

never ever give up.

For more tips on budgeting and financial management, see:


For low cost vehicle loans and cheap cars see:


About The Author

Keith Wallis is a freelance writer on the subjects of debt management and personal finance in the UK.

His website and further ‘tips’ can be found at:







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